If you need inspiration for your next trip to Lossiemouth, you’ve come to the right place. There’s so much to do, you won’t want to miss a thing. Whether you plan on staying here for one day or one week, we have the perfect itinerary to fill your day with endless excitement. There’s something for all the family – adults, kids and pets alike! So, pack up and get on the road. Lossie’s waiting for you.

In this guide, you’ll find ideas and suggestions for ways to enjoy a full day in Lossiemouth.
We’ll guide you round town, from morning to evening, doing whatever it is you most enjoy, helping you to create your very own Fine Day Out.
From leisurely walks to exhilarating watersports, fish suppers to fine dining, Lossiemouth has something for everyone.
Come, see for yourself, and have a fine day out!
Slow down and make the most of your visit. Book a night or two at one of the hotels, B&Bs or self-catering accommodation.
Campervans and tents are welcome at Silversands Holiday Park near the lighthouse, where there are also static caravans for hire.
Combine one or more of our Fine Day Out itineraries to fit in fun, relaxation and adventure, enjoy the best of Lossiemouth.

Lossiemouth is a great place to base yourself to explore further afield. Share a dram at a local distillery. Clamber through old ruined castles, or take tea in the garden of a stately home.
From Lossie, you can get a morning’s skiing at the Lecht or Cairngorm and be home for an afternoon surf before tucking into a fresh seafood dinner and a locally brewed beer.
We have lots of ideas to help you fill a week, most within a 30 minute drive from Lossiemouth.
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directory of services
Follow the link below to find a full listing of all LBA member businesses across every sector.
In time, this will be expanded to include a brief listing of non-member businesses to provide a complete information resource for our visitors.
If the service that you require is not listed in this directory, use your preferred search engine to find them.

Getting Here
Lossiemouth is on the Moray coast, approximately 40 miles east of Inverness and 70 miles northwest of Aberdeen. The A96 is the main road between these two cities.
Travelling by bus or train, head to Elgin for a connecting bus service to Lossiemouth.